About the Project


A book sprint to explore the future of publishing

This exper­i­ment in 21st Cen­tury publishing-on-the-fly is led by Ari­zona State University’s Cen­ter for Sci­ence and the Imag­i­na­tion and spon­sored by Intel Cor­po­ra­tion. The con­cept: a series of “book sprints” that take place in real time at the Frank­furt Book Fair (October 2013), at Arizona State University in Phoenix, AZ (January 2014) and at Stanford University in California (May 2014). Using a new col­lab­o­ra­tive media tech­nol­ogy, par­tic­i­pants quickly write, assem­ble and pub­lish multimedia anthol­ogies explor­ing the future of pub­lish­ing. Our teams of authors explore what is next for read­ing, writ­ing, edit­ing, book pro­mo­tion and sales, as well as how dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy can help the pub­lish­ing indus­try con­front the chal­lenges of a chang­ing land­scape for books and reading.

Download Beyond the Book: The Future of Publishing