Ariel Bogle

Latest post: Jonathan Franzen’s Worst Nightmare
Ariel Bogle is a researcher for Future Tense.
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Latest post: Do Authors Need Tenure?
Joey is Editor and Program Manager at Arizona State University’s Center for Science and the Imagination. He also coordinates Future Tense, ASU’s collaboration with Slate magazine and the New America Foundation on emerging technologies, policy and society. Joey earned both his master’s degree in Gender Studies and his bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Arizona State University.
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Latest post: The Algorithmic Corpse
Ed Finn is the founding director of the Center for Science and the Imagination at Arizona State University, where he is an assistant professor with a joint appointment in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and the Department of English. Ed’s research and teaching explore digital narratives, contemporary culture and the intersection of the humanities, arts and sciences. He completed his PhD in English and American literature at Stanford University in 2011.
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Latest post: The Idea of the Author Is Facing Extinction
Jane Friedman, Web Editor for the Virginia Quarterly Review, based at the University of Virginia, where she also teaches digital publishing and online writing. Former publisher of Writer’s Digest. Her newest digital media initiative is Scratch Magazine, a quarterly magazine all about the intersection of writing and money.
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Latest post: Competitive Annotation, and Bullwinkle
Dan Gillmor, author and professor at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication; regular contributor to The Guardian. More:
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Latest post: Hemingway’s Declaration
Lee Konstantinou, Novelist; Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland; Associate Editor for Fiction and Criticism, Los Angeles Review of Books. Lee wrote the novel Pop Apocalypse: A Possible Satire (HarperCollins, 2009) and co-edited The Legacy of David Foster Wallace (University of Iowa, 2012) with Samuel Cohen.
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Latest post: Corey Pressman: The Post-Book Textbook
Corey taught anthropology for 12 years before founding Exprima Media, a software design and development company that partners with clients to envision, design, and develop compelling and effective interactive experiences. Corey publishes and delivers presentations on a variety of topics including the future of storytelling, interaction design, and global mobile initiatives.
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Latest post: Google Should Buy the Entire Publishing Industry
Charles Stross, Science fiction writer and contributor to Foreign Policy magazine. The author of six Hugo-nominated novels and winner of the 2005 and 2010 Hugo awards for best novella, he has won numerous other awards and his work has been translated into at least 12 other languages.
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