- Please only use 1 space after a period.
- Use the Oxford comma (a.k.a. serial comma). Example: During this workshop we will be exploring the future of reading, writing, and publishing.
- Book, film, video game, and TV series titles should be in italics. Titles of periodicals (e.g. The New York Times, Wired, or The Chronicle of Higher Education) are not italicized.
- Please do not indent the first line of each paragraph.
- For section breaks in your text, please use WordPress’ header styles, specifically Heading 4, to create a subheading title. Please do not use extra spaces or symbols like # to mark section breaks.
- To insert a block quote, please use WordPress’ block quote tool. On the “Edit Post” page, it is represented by a quotation mark icon (“).
- For in-text citations, use (Author Year), or if there is no author, (“Title,” Year). For example, (Chan 2004) or (“The Future of Libraries,” 2009).
- Please submit full citations to the editors using this Google Doc (which is freely accessible, even if you don’t have a Google account): http://goo.gl/u2mqJp. Examples of common citation types are included in the document.
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