Citation and Style Guide

  1. Please only use 1 space after a period.
  2. Use the Oxford comma (a.k.a. serial comma). Example: During this workshop we will be exploring the future of reading, writing, and publishing.
  3. Book, film, video game, and TV series titles should be in italics. Titles of periodicals (e.g. The New York Times, Wired, or The Chronicle of Higher Education) are not italicized.
  4. Please do not indent the first line of each paragraph.
  5. For section breaks in your text, please use WordPress’ header styles, specifically Heading 4, to create a subheading title. Please do not use extra spaces or symbols like # to mark section breaks.
  6. To insert a block quote, please use WordPress’ block quote tool. On the “Edit Post” page, it is represented by a quotation mark icon ().
  7. For in-text citations, use (Author Year), or if there is no author, (“Title,” Year). For example, (Chan 2004) or (“The Future of Libraries,” 2009).
  8. Please submit full citations to the editors using this Google Doc (which is freely accessible, even if you don’t have a Google account): Examples of common citation types are included in the document.

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